- #Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps how to#
- #Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps full#
- #Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps free#
#Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps full#
I took about a 20-30pixel paintbrush (black, full opacity) and went to the outlines layer and traced outlines around the mountains and water. I did the clipoard fill trick with a water texture on the water layer to create the stream. I did a new selection of the general cave interior (a little larger than the cave itself, and clipboard filled that with a rock floor on the grass/cave floor layer. (This fill went onto the mountains layer). I did the same clipboard fill to those selections, but with a rock texture. using the free-select tool, I created two selections, the mountains on the left, and the mountains/cave system on the right. I copied one of the grass textures and did a clipboard fill over the entire map (on the grass layer.) I created several layers, (from bottom to top: grass, cave floor, outlines, water, objects/vegetation, and mountains).
#Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps how to#
Once I had the jpegs of the Schley stuff, I went into GIMP and started a new project (Campaign Cartographer is CAD software, and I have no clue how to do a workflow for it, so I just used GIMP): First I bought "Symbol-Set 4 Dungeons of Schley" from then, realizing that the symbol set is actually an installer for their "campaign cartographer 3" software, I was forced to buy that (when all I really wanted was the schley textures and got expensive). I wanted some uniformity among the battlemaps for my players, so I wanted Schley's textures. Mike Schley did the maps for a lot of the published modules, including Lost Mines of Phandelver and Princes of the Apocalypse (the module I made this map for). The process was kind-of annoying because of the difficulty obtaining the textures.

This subreddit is for the posting and discussion of tabletop Battlemaps. But by no means should you be rude, vulgar, or disrespectful to posters or commenters. Helpful critiques are perfectly fine, if not expected. Hateful, vulgar, or otherwise offensive content and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
#Profantasy lost mines of phandelver maps free#
If you have a map that you've tried yourself, feel free to post a review to help other game masters choose good maps for their players. Posts describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs.